The 6th International Symposium on
User Modeling and Language Learning
(UMLL 2022)

Camera-Ready Instruction

Authors of accepted papers should read the following pertaining to the publication process of their UMLL contribution.

Your manuscript must be revised according to the review comments, edited according to the Springer LNCS format and submitted together with the Springer copyright form by October 5, 2022 November 14, 2022.

This is a firm deadline for the production of the proceedings.

After revising your manuscript according to the reviewers' comments, please send the camera-ready copy of your paper (together with source files, signed copyright form and a readme file) to email address:

To prepare for your camera-ready submission, please read the following instructions carefully.

Your paper will be published in the conference proceedings by Springer as a volume of its Lecturer Notes in Computer Science series. LaTeX and Word templates, camera-ready and copyright instructions are to be found here:

Please note that:

(a) Camera-ready papers should NOT have page numbers. All numbering will be done by the proceedings editor.

(b) The page limit is strict and final:

  • Full Papers: 8 - 10 pages
  • Short Papers: 4 - 6 pages

(c) Submissions should be identifiable through the filename convention: SETE22_UMLL_XXX.pdf. Here, the paper number is assigned to your submission by the submission system (e.g., a paper published in UMLL with ID 12 should be named SETE22_UMLL_12.pdf)

(d) Download and fill the Copyright form by clicking here. The file has to be named copyright_UMLL_XXX.pdf (e.g., copyright_UMLL_12.pdf). Camera-ready paper must be accompanied by a signed copyright form. Please note that digital signatures are not accepted and the form needs to be signed in ink and then scanned. Papers whose copyright has not been transferred on time will not be included in the proceedings.

(e) Download the readme.xml file and fill it (please see a sample file if you are unsure how to fill it). The file has to be named readme_XXX.xml (e.g., readme_12.xml). The publication chair will use these details to automatically compile a list for Springer production department.

(f) Create a folder named source_XXX where XXX is the paper number assigned by the submission system (e.g., source_12). The folder must contain all of your source (input) files necessary to compile it correctly. For example,

  • i. LaTeX2e files for the text and PS/EPS or PDF/JPG files for all figures.
  • ii. Any further style files and fonts you have used together with your source files and that are not generally available at CTAN.
  • iii. Final PDF file (for reference).
  • iv. Word or RTF files (for word-processing systems other than LaTeX/TeX).
  • v. The texts in all files (e.g., DVI, PDF and source files) must be identical.

Please make sure that your files compile successfully. Failure to compile may result in delays and, in some cases, exclusion from the final proceedings.

(g) Compress the following files in a ZIPed file and send to email address: The ZIPed file has to be named (e.g.,

  • Camera-ready paper (SETE22_UMLL_XXX.pdf file).
  • Completed copyright form (copyright_UMLL_XXX.pdf).
  • A readme giving the name and email address of the contact author (readme_XXX.xml).
  • The folder containing source files (source_XXX).

Our publisher has recently introduced an extra control loop: once data processing is finished, they will contact all corresponding authors and ask them to check their papers. We expect this to happen shortly before the printing of the proceedings. At that time your quick interaction with Springer-Verlag will be greatly appreciated.